-p The -p option instructs _d_t_l_2_s_g_f_t to purge or remove the word file it
creates (bbbbooooooookkkksssshhhheeeellllffff____ppppaaaatttthhhh////bbbbooooooookkkkssss////bbbbooooooookkkk____nnnnaaaammmmeeee////bbbbooooooookkkk____nnnnaaaammmmeeee....bbbbooooooookkkkssss....wwwwrrrrdddd). By
default, this file is not removed by _d_t_l_2_s_g_f_t.
-q The -q ggggrrrraaaannnnuuuullllaaaarrrriiiittttyyyy____qqqqrrrryyyy option indicates the level of granularity in
which to break up the book into. This should be specific to the SGML
instance (tag set) used within the book. For example, the default
<GLOSSARY> OR <INDEX> OR <SGIINDEX>". If nothing is found for the
specified ggggrrrraaaannnnuuuullllaaaarrrriiiittttyyyy____qqqqrrrryyyy, there are two fallback attempts. The
first uses "<SECTION1> OR <S1>" and the second utilizes the query
string "<SECTION2> OR <S2>".
-r The -r rrrrooooooootttt option instructs _d_t_l_2_s_g_f_t to write the resultant word
file and HTML file output to the specified rrrrooooooootttt directory. For
example, for the specified rrrrooooooootttt, the resultant set of files are:
rrrrooooooootttt////bbbbooooooookkkk____nnnnaaaammmmeeee....bbbbooooooookkkkssss....wwwwrrrrdddd and rrrrooooooootttt////bbbbooooooookkkk____nnnnaaaammmmeeee....hhhhttttmmmmllll.
-t The -t ttttiiiittttlllleeee____ttttaaaagggg option indicates the SGML instance tag used to
designate titles within the content. The default is "TITLE".
-u The -u uuuusssseeee____sssshhhheeeellllffffnnnnaaaammmmeeee option instructs _d_t_l_2_s_g_f_t to use this string as
a bookshelf designation, both in the resultant word and HTML file.
The default is to use the end of the path string specified for
bbbbooooooookkkksssshhhheeeellllffff____ppppaaaatttthhhh. If
/usr/share/Insight/library/SGI_bookshelves/SGI_EndUser is specified
for bbbbooooooookkkksssshhhheeeellllffff____ppppaaaatttthhhh, the truncated string used to in the word and
HTML file is "SGI_EndUser". The -u uuuusssseeee____sssshhhheeeellllffffnnnnaaaammmmeeee option overrides
the aforementioned default.
-w The -w option instructs _d_t_l_2_s_g_f_t to only create a HTML-based table
of contents file for _web access.
-x The -x option instructs _d_t_l_2_s_g_f_t to output timing specifications.